Let’s celebrate!
Senior Sending is the final step of our NextGen Milestones where we seek to come alongside families as you celebrate the major milestones in your child’s life!
On Sunday, May 4th we will be celebrating our seniors in our Sunday morning services at both locations. Let us know which service you will participate in on your registration form!
Our Senior Sending dinner is on Tuesday, April 29th for students who are graduating this May and their families. This is a special evening to honor the students and to pray for them as they are finishing their High School education. We'll have some delicious food and engage with a panel of students and leaders to discuss how to engage with your faith while going on to the next step of life. Let us know you’ll be there by registering below!
If you have any questions you can contact Janet Dearman at Janet.Dearman@thechapelbr.com or 225-337-2170.