Chapel Women
Join us!
What is Chapel Women?
Chapel Women hosts weekly gatherings during the Spring and Fall Semester as well as a four-night summer event, Chapel Women Summer, and a Women's Christmas Celebration. Whether you are joining us for a semester of studying the Word or joining us one time for one of our events, our prayer is this:
Through connecting with Godly community & diving into scripture together, we pray women would meet Jesus, know Him more deeply, and become more devoted followers of Him.
Spring 2025
This spring, Chapel Women will meet on Tuesday evenings at the Siegen Location (no childcare) and on Thursday mornings at the LSU Location (childcare available). Click on the links below to find out more information about each gathering, including times, format, studies offered, and to register for your spot! If you have any questions, contact Kristen Farrell, Chapel Women Coordinator.
**Tuesday PM group will postpone kickoff until January 28th due to weather & school closures on January 21st!
Chapel Women Calendar
Moms of little ones, YOU are invited!
Be encouraged by fellow moms of little ones and learn from "Mentor Moms" of older kids. Our Mentor Moms, Victoria Griffin and Sherry Swanner, will lead us through a Bible study on the book of 1st Peter. 1st Peter was written to persecuted Christians that desperately needed to be encouraged with the hope of the Gospel. Dive into the book that reminds us to keep eternity in view and remember that God’s grace is sufficient for us.