Serve the City

Serve YOUR city!

At The Chapel, we offer two different types of serve outreaches: staff-led and member-led. Staff-led outreaches are facilitated by The Chapel and are consistent from year to year. Member-led outreaches are created and led by YOU - the church! The staff will walk beside you and support you as your idea becomes a reality, but ultimately this a chance for you to see a need and fill a need in our city.

Staff-Led Outreaches

  • For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

    Join us in the fulfillment of this prophecy through helping people from many nations learn English and adjust to American culture.

    Classes meet on Tuesday mornings 9:30AM-11:30AM and on Wednesday evenings 6:30PM-8:30PM.

    In-Person Classroom Teacher - No experience teaching necessary. We provide the curriculum, you lead discussion and help students practice their English.

    In-Person Classroom Assistant - We have multiple native English Speakers in each classroom to help with discussion so that everyone can practice.

    Hospitality - Help us welcome our students by serving snacks, making coffee, and greeting people as they come.

    Van Driver - Many students that want to attend ESL classes don't have transportation. Help us help them get to class!

    Fill out the SERVE form for more information!

  • Volunteering with us at Wildwood is one way we can care for those within our city in a practical and potentially life-impacting way. The longstanding partnership between The Chapel and Wildwood is a rare and extremely rewarding one. The children, faculty, and families have all been blessed as we have served them faithfully in a variety of ways during the 20+ years we have been together. We would love for you to join us!

    We have several ongoing opportunities to serve including: as a KidsHope USA Mentor, Prayer Partner, and Hope Center Monitor.

    Throughout the year we also have occasional opportunities to serve at the Wildwood Christmas Party, Wildwood 5th Grade Graduation, etc. You could also join our Teacher Team to help bless the faculty on a monthly basis in a variety of ways.

    For more information or to get involved, please fill out this SERVE form.

  • Fall Fest 2025 will be Saturday, October 25th at our Siegen Location. Details & volunteer registration to come!

    Inflatables, food, Trunk or Treat …Fall Fest is TONS of fun for the whole family! Invite your neighbors, friends, & family to join you for an afternoon of Fall Fun.

    We have lots of opportunities to SERVE as a individual, family, or Community Group…set up, clean, game booth, food tent, and Trunk or Treat!

  • The 2025 International Banquet was on Thursday, February 6th!

    The International Banquet is a large event where we host a banquet with food, entertainment, and a gospel presentation for 200+ internationals. This years theme will be "Louisiana."

    Join us in welcoming those who will attend this year by signing up to serve as a table host, food server, runner, or greeter. Come ready to SERVE and be blown away by the amazing lives and stories of the many internationals living among us!

  • The 2025 Food Drive will run November 16 - December 14.

    The mission of the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is to feed the hungry in Baton Rouge and surrounding parishes by providing food and educational outreach through faith based and other community partners. We are partnering with the Food Bank again this holiday season through the Out of the Box Food Drive!

Member-Led Outreaches

  • Hope Mommies is a Christian organization that we partner with whose sole purpose is to come alongside moms and families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, and/or infant loss, bringing comfort, encouragement, companionship, and hope as they continue to walk this side of eternity without their beloved son or daughter. You can buy a box that will help families through their grief or you can join us for a box delivery.

    Find out more HERE.

    Interested in getting involved? Fill out the SERVE form for more information!

  • It can be overwhelming to know exactly how to help a child in foster care. You may desire to help, but wonder what you can do in your life stage or season. Wherever you are in life, we want to help you find a way to support children & families in greatest need in our community.

    We know not everyone can become a foster family, but we believe everyone can support the foster care system.

    Interested in getting involved? Fill out the SERVE form for more information!

  • God created us for connection with Him and with each other.

    “Created for Connection” couples’ workshops are “Hold Me Tight” workshops for Christian couples based on EFT, Dr. Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy, and the book she authored with Kenny Sanderfer entitled “Created for Connection”

    These experiential learning workshops are presented in a Friday afternoon - Saturday format. The workshops provide a context for couples to work together on designed structured exercises.

    The next date will be September 13 & 14, 2024 at The Chapel - LSU.


  • We assist inmate leaders & inmate pastors in facilitating small group discussions with other participants, usually 7-10 men, we call a Family. Participants have a desire to become better men of God, husbands and fathers, even though they are incarcerated and are away from their families. Our primary curriculum called Malachi Dads is a 3 book series: Heart of a Man Part 1&2 and Heart of a Father. These focus on what it means to be a Godly man and father. It usually takes 8-10 weeks to complete one book and requires at least a 5 -10 hour commitment per month in 3 month segments.

    Interested in getting involved? Fill out the SERVE form for more information!

  • At EEF, we firmly believe every child has the right to quality education. This belief propels our commitment to be a bridge to help children enjoy their right to quality education by providing a well-rounded, supportive, safe, and engaging learning environment for children across the globe.

    Our current outreach services include alleviating poverty's impact by providing scholarships for indigent children to go to school. We have sixty-two (62) Nigerian children on scholarships for the 2023/2024 academic year. Our support extends to schools, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary resources, infrastructure, and professional development to provide the best learning experience for their students. We participated in the East Baton Rouge back-to-school bash to distribute supplies. For the second year, we have provided school supplies to the students at LaSalle Elementary School at the start of the school year. We have expanded the learning opportunities at this school to include STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and mathematics) outreach events. The students interact with scientists, engage in experiential learning, and develop interest in STEM fields of their choice.

    Interested in getting involved? Fill out the SERVE form for more information!

Are you interested in starting a member-led outreach? This can be a one-time event or an ongoing ministry. Click the button below to get started.