Sermon Audio
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Asking for a Friend
This is a series we did back in 2019 that answers a lot of questions people have about Christianity. Give it a listen!
The Bible is…
Sermon Resources
Growing Deep in the Christian Life - Charles Swindoll
The Reason for God - Tim Keller
Philosophical Foundation for a Christian Worldview - JP Moreland and William Craig
Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem
Christian Theology - Millard Erickson
Post-Modernism 101 - Heath White
Philosophy of Religion - Brian Davies
Streams of Living Water - Richard Foster
Choosing the Right Hills to Die On - Gavin Ortlund
Knowledge of the Holy - AW Tozer
The Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis
A Survey of Bible Doctrine - Charles Ryrie
Searching the Scriptures - Charles Swindoll
Holy Scripture - Donald Bloesch
The Doctrine of the Word of God - John Frame
Grasping God’s Word - Scott Duvall and Daniel Hays
Jesus Creed - Scot McKnight
Recovering Redemption - Matt Chandler
Jesus Hates Religion - Alex Himaya
The Forgotten God - Francis Chan
Master Plan of Evangelism - Robert Coleman
Growing Up - Robby Gallaty
After You Believe - NT Wright
Gaining by Losing - JD Greear
Deep and Wide - Andy Stanley
The Hole in Our Gospel - Richard Stearns
What is a Healthy Church? - Mark Dever
I am a Church Member - Thom Rainer