Upcoming Events

Men's Retreat
to Mar 22

Men's Retreat

You are invited to a transformational weekend that will bring men together and allow them to get to know one another, eat some great food, and be richly fed spiritually.

Click through for details & registration!

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Youth DNOW 2025
to Mar 23

Youth DNOW 2025

DNOW 225 is an area-wide weekend retreat for youth in 6th-12th grade. This year, we are partnering with East Leesville Baptist Church for a weekend of worship, small group conversations, and lessons.  We'll have a bunch of fun while we do it! 

Click through for details & registration!

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March First Step Class: Week One

March First Step Class: Week One

During this class, you will meet our staff and others who are new to the church. You will have the opportunity to learn more about The Chapel, as well as get connected to a Community Group and/or Volunteer Team. Week One is about who we are as a church and how we “gather and grow.” Week Two is about you and exploring your spiritual gifts, learning more about how we “serve and go.”

LSU Location: Room E (Hallway near the kitchen & Common Grounds)

Siegen Lane Location: Coffee Shop

Click through to register.

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March First Step Class: Week Two

March First Step Class: Week Two

During this class, you will meet our staff and others who are new to the church. You will have the opportunity to learn more about The Chapel, as well as get connected to a Community Group and/or Volunteer Team. Week One is about who we are as a church and how we “gather and grow.” Week Two is about you and exploring your spiritual gifts, learning more about how we “serve and go.”

LSU Location: Room E (Hallway near the kitchen & Common Grounds)

Siegen Lane Location: Coffee Shop

Click through to register.

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SERVE - Returning Hearts Celebration at Angola Prison

SERVE - Returning Hearts Celebration at Angola Prison

  • Louisiana State Penitentiary - Angola Prison (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Returning Hearts Celebration is a fun and spirit-filled annual event where children and their inmate fathers can begin to allow God’s healing and reconciliation in their lives.

As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to devote your time, energy and servant’s heart to helping the children of inmate fathers. This unique mission opportunity partners you with Lifeline Global and the Angola Prison staff. You become an integral part of the team that brings children and their fathers together for a day of celebration and sharing God’s love for them.

Click through for details & registration!

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Youth Summer Camp
to Jun 20

Youth Summer Camp

Mississippi College has been home to FUGE Camps since 2002 and offers both MFuge and Centrifuge. We are attending one location but two different camps. Centrifuge for our Middle Schoolers and MFuge for our High Schoolers.

Click through for details & registration!

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February First Step Class: Week Two

February First Step Class: Week Two

During this class, you will meet our staff and others who are new to the church. You will have the opportunity to learn more about The Chapel, as well as get connected to a Community Group and/or Volunteer Team. Week One is about who we are as a church and how we “gather and grow.” Week Two is about you and exploring your spiritual gifts, learning more about how we “serve and go.”

LSU Location: Room E (Hallway near the kitchen & Common Grounds)

Siegen Lane Location: Coffee Shop

Click through to register.

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Trivia Night Fundraiser

Trivia Night Fundraiser

You’re invited to the annual Chapel Youth Trivia Night Fundraiser! This year’s theme is TV Sitcoms!

Mark your calendars for Friday, February 21st at The Chapel — Siegen. This will be a hilariously good time! We promise that trivia fans will be rewarded for their efforts in trivia while everyone will enjoy a great time while raising money to support our Chapel Youth camps!

Click through for details & registration!

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February First Step Class: Week One

February First Step Class: Week One

During this class, you will meet our staff and others who are new to the church. You will have the opportunity to learn more about The Chapel, as well as get connected to a Community Group and/or Volunteer Team. Week One is about who we are as a church and how we “gather and grow.” Week Two is about you and exploring your spiritual gifts, learning more about how we “serve and go.”

LSU Location: Room E (Hallway near the kitchen & Common Grounds)

Siegen Lane Location: Coffee Shop

Click through to register.

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Financial Freedom Class

Financial Freedom Class

Are you looking to take control of your personal finances? If so, join us for this six week class that will help you create a step by step plan to erase debt, begin to save and take control of your financial future.

Click through for details & registration.

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Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Our marriage class that meets at our Siegen Location on Sunday mornings at 9:00am is starting a new study called "When Sinners Say I Do". This is a weekly class for those looking to enrich their marriage. 

Click through for details & registration!

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Refuge College Women's Conference
to Feb 8

Refuge College Women's Conference

Refuge College Women’s Conference!

This weekend will be a space for college-age girls to come and have a restful time of fellowship, worship, and diving into scripture. Join us as we enjoy the annual Refuge Women’s Conference, including topical breakout sessions, TED talks, and sessions hosted by our guest speaker Maia Huff.

**We’d love to have women from The Chapel serve throughout the weekend! Click through for details & registration!

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International Banquet

International Banquet

Come ready to enjoy an evening of getting to know people living in Baton Rouge from all around the world! It's a wonderful opportunity to hear their stories and make new friends.

All internationals are invited to bring a food dish to share!

Click through for guest and volunteer registrations.

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Financial Freedom Class

Financial Freedom Class

Are you looking to take control of your personal finances? If so, join us for this six week class that will help you create a step by step plan to erase debt, begin to save and take control of your financial future.

Click through for details & registration.

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Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Our marriage class that meets at our Siegen Location on Sunday mornings at 9:00am is starting a new study called "When Sinners Say I Do". This is a weekly class for those looking to enrich their marriage. 

Click through for details & registration!

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Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

You are invited to The Chapel Men’s Breakfast where our hope is to feed you well, inspire you, and inform you of all we have going for men here at The Chapel.  

Our hope is to feed you well, inspire you, and inform you of all we have going for men here at The Chapel!

Click through for details & registration!

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Financial Freedom Class

Financial Freedom Class

Are you looking to take control of your personal finances? If so, join us for this six week class that will help you create a step by step plan to erase debt, begin to save and take control of your financial future.

Click through for details & registration.

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Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Our marriage class that meets at our Siegen Location on Sunday mornings at 9:00am is starting a new study called "When Sinners Say I Do". This is a weekly class for those looking to enrich their marriage. 

Click through for details & registration!

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January First Step Class: Week Two

January First Step Class: Week Two

During this class, you will meet our staff and others who are new to the church. You will have the opportunity to learn more about The Chapel, as well as get connected to a Community Group and/or Volunteer Team. Week One is about who we are as a church and how we “gather and grow.” Week Two is about you and exploring your spiritual gifts, learning more about how we “serve and go.”

LSU Location: Room E (Hallway near the kitchen & Common Grounds)

Siegen Lane Location: Coffee Shop

Click through to register.

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Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Siegen Marriage Class - Sunday Mornings

Our marriage class that meets at our Siegen Location on Sunday mornings at 9:00am is starting a new study called "When Sinners Say I Do". This is a weekly class for those looking to enrich their marriage. 

Click through for details & registration!

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January First Step Class: Week One

January First Step Class: Week One

During this class, you will meet our staff and others who are new to the church. You will have the opportunity to learn more about The Chapel, as well as get connected to a Community Group and/or Volunteer Team. Week One is about who we are as a church and how we “gather and grow.” Week Two is about you and exploring your spiritual gifts, learning more about how we “serve and go.”

LSU Location: Room E (Hallway near the kitchen & Common Grounds)

Siegen Lane Location: Coffee Shop

Click through to register.

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Parent-Child Dedication Class - LSU

Parent-Child Dedication Class - LSU

Our Chapel NextGen Ministry wants to equip and support you as you begin your parenting journey of spiritually nurturing your child with the celebration of Parent-Child Dedication on Sunday, January 26h.

Sign up for the required Parent-Child Dedication class on either January 12th (Siegen) or January 19th (LSU).

Click through for details & registration.

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Parent-Child Dedication Class - Siegen

Parent-Child Dedication Class - Siegen

Our Chapel NextGen Ministry wants to equip and support you as you begin your parenting journey of spiritually nurturing your child with the celebration of Parent-Child Dedication on Sunday, January 26th.

Sign up for the required Parent-Child Dedication class on either January 12th (Siegen) or January 19th (LSU).

Click through for details & registration.

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Group Connect Sunday

Group Connect Sunday

Well preview all groups offered on Sunday, January 12th in our morning services in preparation for groups launching the week of January 13th. If you’re not already connected in a group, be sure to join us for Group Connect Sunday!

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GroupLife Workshop

GroupLife Workshop

The GroupLife Workshop is for all Community Group Leaders as well potential future group leaders.

During this gathering we will discuss how to grow in unity as a ministry of The Chapel, how to become more like Jesus as we serve our group members, and share ideas that can inspire us all to grow as leaders.

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The Gifts of Jesus - Jesus’ Second Coming

The Gifts of Jesus - Jesus’ Second Coming

In this Advent season of waiting and anticipating the birth of Jesus, we will look each week at how Jesus meets our deepest needs. What does it mean that Jesus meets us where we are with the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love? Join us on Sunday mornings for The Gifts of Jesus, December 1st - 29th.

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The Gifts of Jesus - Love

The Gifts of Jesus - Love

In this Advent season of waiting and anticipating the birth of Jesus, we will look each week at how Jesus meets our deepest needs. What does it mean that Jesus meets us where we are with the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love? Join us on Sunday mornings for The Gifts of Jesus, December 1st - 29th.

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The Gifts of Jesus - Joy

The Gifts of Jesus - Joy

In this Advent season of waiting and anticipating the birth of Jesus, we will look each week at how Jesus meets our deepest needs. What does it mean that Jesus meets us where we are with the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love? Join us on Sunday mornings for The Gifts of Jesus, December 1st - 29th.

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Out of the Box Food Drive

Out of the Box Food Drive

The mission of the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is to feed the hungry in Baton Rouge and surrounding parishes by providing food and educational outreach through faith based and other community partners. We are partnering with the Food Bank again this holiday season through the Out of the Box Food Drive!

Click through for details!

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