The Bible tells us that we're never more like Jesus than when we give, serve and share.
The success of all our ministries at The Chapel is a direct result of our willingness to partner with God through our giving. Thank you for helping us be on mission with Jesus.
Year-End Giving
Online: see link below - choose General Unrestricted
Sunday morning services in December or Christmas Eve services
Drop off your gift during business hours at the main office at either location or in the secure drop-box outside the Chapel Kids entrance at The Chapel—LSU.
Mail to The Chapel, Attn: Accounting, 3355 Dalrymple Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (postmarked by Dec. 31)
Online Giving
Online giving is the best way to automate your tithe. We have several options including one-time gifts, recurring donations and special interests. Giving is possible either by direct debit of your checking account or through your credit card. The Chapel encourages online giving via direct debit as it helps reduce administrative fees associated with online giving. However, if you do give with a credit card we encourage you only to use it if you pay off your balance each month.
Please note that our giving platform is through Planning Center, and the 'give' link below takes you to the Planning Center page. This is a simple and secure way to give!
Text to Give
If you’d like to text your contribution, follow the instructions below:
1. Text any amount (example: $25) to 84321 to give. Standard message and data rates may apply.
2. A text message will be received stating 'Text2Give: Visit ... to complete setup and confirm that (example: $25) donation. Msg&Data rates may apply. Text HELP for help, STOP to cancel.' => Follow this link, select The Chapel, complete Text2Give Setup by filling in email and name.
3. Select payment method.
4. Submit donation.
By default, Text2Give donations will go to the General Fund. In order to give to a different fund, type in the amount followed by the fund name as it appears in Planning Center. Example: $25 Grow to Geaux
Note: recurring donations may not be set up with Text2Give.
Mail-In Giving
If you would like to mail your contribution to The Chapel, you may do so at the address below:
The Chapel
ATTN: Accounting Department
3355 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Bible Translation Project
The Bible Translation Project is an exciting part of our 50th Anniversary (2022) as we honor the past, celebrate the present, and press into the future. If you missed our celebration and would like to contribute toward the project, click the GIVE button below and choose “Bible Translation Project” from the drop-down menu.
Grow to Geaux
Find out more about Grow to Geaux, the first 3-year phase of our 10-year Geaux 2030 Vision, and how you can participate HERE.
To make a one-time gift or to set up a recurring gift toward Grow to Geaux, click the GIVE button below & choose Geaux 2030 from the drop-down menu. You will be able to choose the frequency of your gift (one-time or regularly). If you have any questions regarding your giving, call 225-387-4416.