Membership at
The Chapel
We believe that the local church is the visible expression of Christ’s universal body. Just as a healthy body requires each part to function well, a healthy church requires members who are sacrificially committed to do the works of service that God has prepared for them (Eph. 2:10; 4:12). Being a member of The Chapel is about being part of a family and living out the family values.
What is a member?
Membership is an intentional affiliation with our local body of believers.
Membership is integral to the process of life change and community transformation through helping people to understand the gospel and become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Membership produces a shepherding relationship between leadership and members, so they mature as believers and become equipped for service.
Membership allows people to function as members of the body who are clear in their understanding of the gospel, baptism, community and the use of their gifts.
Membership establishes a base for identifying and training leaders.
How do I become a member?
Attend First Step to learn more about what The Chapel believes and how you can become involved in a Community Group or find ways to serve.
After completing First Step, please complete the Membership Form (Couples are asked to fill out the questionnaires individually.)
Upon receipt of your completed questionnaire, we will arrange for you to have a get-acquainted meeting with one of our Elders.